Tuesday, September 10, 2013

A Day in the Life of a Trojan

Hi everyone!
    Happy almost humpday! I want to update you on my weekend, which was a blast! On Thursday night (yes, in college, weekends start on Thursdays) I went to my first sorority mixer. Well, that's not true...I've been to a million mixers before, but this was my first mixer as a sorority woman. The theme was Risky Business, and things got "risky," that's for sure. Here are some photos from the night!

Saturday was USC's first home game! The SC Trojans played the Washington State Cougars, and even though the score was not the outcome that I wanted, I still had a great time tailgating and showing my school spirit. I will always have pride for my team, no matter what the score is. FIGHT ON TROJANS!

It was a great weekend, and has made me even more excited about the upcoming semesters. Between mixers, gamedays, and classes, I am bound to have many more fun stories about my junior year.


Quote of the day: "College is a refuge from hasty judgement." - Robert Frost

Thursday, September 5, 2013

My My My Little......

Hello everyone!!
      I've been pretty busy the first couple of weeks of school, but I have some exciting news! Last Sunday I accepted a bid from the Alpha Delta Pi sorority! I am now an Alpha member of the Alpha Psi chapter of ADpi! I'll tell you a little about my bid night, aka the most fun night of the year!
pre-bitch run photo-op
At USC, it is tradition that on the last day of rush, all of the potential new members show up to campus in a white top and jean shorts. After you receive your bid card, you gather with your new sisters and run to Greek Row (this affair is nicknamed the "Running of the Bitches"). When you arrive at the row, your new sisters are all waiting for you at your sorority house, and you celebrate the night away!
Bid Night Festivities!
This year, ADPi had a ferris wheel, In-N-Out, and a dance floor. I had a great time with my "Violet Sis" Harleen, and after it was all over, I had the best bid night ever. I am so excited to be a part of this great sisterhood, and I can't wait to tell you all about my new adventures as a sorority girl (I've already started an ADPi pinterest board....oh lord).

Old friends, new sisters! Pi Love!

Quote of the day: "A sister is a gift to the heart, a friend to the spirit, a golden thread to the meaning of life." -Isadora James